Our Instructors...

All Scorpion School of Kenpo teachers are hand selected by Sifu Eric - instructors represent and display a solid understanding and execution of basics and early belt curriculum

Who is teaching you?

What we do...

Scorpion School of Kenpo provides self-defense curriculum in a self-esteem building environment for children and adults

Welcome to the Scorpion School!

Our GOAL...

To provide a fun safe place for children and Adults to come and learn valuable techniques in a positive and friendly environment

Our goal is simple: Teach you something useful in your very first class... and each class after that!


The Scorpion School of Kenpo will teach you techniques to instill self-confidence, provide you with knowledge, and empower you with peace of mind through focus, respect, and self-discipline by its exercises and curriculum.  Kenpo offers a practical means of self-defense and serenity through its training and principles while improving overall fitness levels in both children and adults of all ages.

Sifu Eric J. Carey, PhD:

Sifu Eric started his martial arts career at the age of eight in Tae Kwon Do in 1985, and achieved his first black belt grade at the age of 12.  He was introduced to the Go-Shin Jutsu Kenpo National Association and the instruction of Richard H. Lewis and Joseph T. Becker in 1990 by a family friend and it has influenced his life ever since.